by the time you are reading this, you are about to stalk me ;)


بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ 
اَللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ وَسَلِّمْ عَلَى سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ

Salam all. Hyee! *waving. Rasa awkward sebab lama tak update blog ni. Kikiki
Banyak story nak share tapi sebab dah lama sangat, story pun dah lapuk. Takpe, i did this blog to keep all those not-so-sweet memories. Hee
Hmm i don't know where to begin this entry but i'll try to make it short.

Oh the most important thing right now is that I'd finished my foundation ! Alhamdulillah, rasa macam sekejap je tapi sebenarnya dah menapak 2 tahun kat sana. Bye-bye CFS, i'll cherish all the sweet memories, lessons, friendships and etc. Seriously, although the condition of CFS, i mean the building and the facilities not as great as other uni, but still it managed to change me and of course towards the better side. Seriously, if i ada adik or inshaAllah future son or daughter or anak buah pun boleh, i'll send them to uia. Surroundings really help in moulding one's personality. 

InshaAllah bulan 9 nanti, i can say hello kuantan to further my degree. Dah start kena berdikari ni. Sometimes i feel excited but somehow i feel scared also. Just because Kuantan will be the first place that separates me from my home, precisely family. Sobs. You have to, bi. Dah dewasa kan? Sampai bila nak bermanja dengan ibu? Tapiiiiii. No tapi tapi, chin up, stand still and be strong, you can do it ! 

Me, Ibu

Ibu, kalau yana homesick camne?
Ala kalau takde cuti, ibu pergilah sana. Bukan jauh sangat pun.
*Pandang ibu separuh percaya, kerut kening sikit* Jauhlah ibuuu, 3 ke 4 jam camtu
Takpelah, nanti boleh pergi jalan2 kat kuantan sana.

Baik punya pujuk. Haha ibu ibu. Mungkin bagi orang lain, gediklah minah ni, kuantan je pun bukan jauh mana pun. Nilah akibatnya bila every week balik time kat cfs. Dah rumah dekat, kira bonus la tu kan? Hehe. But now, padan muka tanggunglah risikonya -__- To a person that never live apart from her family, that just a normal feeling right? Nasib baik tak overseas, kalau tak meraung histeria nak balik, homesick punya pasal. Suddenly i feel grateful with all of His plan, seriously Allah is the best planner, that's why i love Him so much ! :*)