by the time you are reading this, you are about to stalk me ;)

My drugs

I started to miss all of this :

Gather together
Laugh until people around you give  the 'shhhh' sound
Snap pictures together
Have brunch or dinner together
Hangout together
Sit in the same class and study together
Making jokes or 'lawak hambar' together

and after all i miss all of you, girls in group 52

Since i'd change the class, i felt half of myself fade away. 
I feel like i'm not being myself. 
To be honest, my real personality only emerged when i'm surrounded with someone that i closed to.
I'm annoying with the one that I can reveal my true identity. 
That's why i try to be closed to all of you as much as i can because i dont want to lose our friendship. 

I’m not a perfect person, I make a lot of mistakes... but still, I love those people who stay with me after knowing how I really am.